
My name is Candice M. Drave.  I am a grad school student and scholar of technology and culture.  This is a place for me to present my hard work and research on old recorded sound and technology.

This website has been a dream of mine to make for many years.  I developed the idea for this website during my undergraduate years.   It was when I first felt a fascination for the acoustic era of the recording industry (pre-1929) and started collecting 78s from every antique and junk shop I could find. I also enjoy hunting up microgroove LPs and 45s too.  Grad school has given me a chance to develop and present my vision to the world.

Beyond this I am a tech enthusiast who games and has a tendency to fill the house with as many gadgets as possible. I have a particular affinity for my Raspberry Pi and all things Linux.

I want this site to be many things but mostly a place to learn with an audio archive for students to utilize in their own work. To me, each record is a time capsule and a chance to hear what the past sounded like. They are fragile mediums that are in need of preservation for future generations.